Resiliency & Empowerment Coach Tiffany Orozco, LCSW

My Self-Discovery Journey!

For many years I struggled to find my purpose, while internally holding onto dysfunctional narratives that were out of my control. I remember vividly how proud I was to always be the first to share that I was the first to hold many titles in my family. However, through growth and humbling experiences I’ve shifted that narrative and take pride in being more than just a first-generation college student, the oldest grandchild and the oldest of four children after entering my Master of Social Work program in August 2013. It was then I came to the realization that I was more than just a title. I entered my first semester of grad school with High EXPECTATIONS in order to build my ASPIRATIONS. My intentions were to develop a more meaning and purposeful narrative. However, I learned far more than I had expected during my Race Gender and Inequality coarse which broadened my worldview and understanding around generational curses and societal dysfunction. I remember disheartening feelings but, one the one thing that never left my core identity was who I was underneath; I was still a kind person, empathetic and passionate about my calling to the Social Work profession.

What I’ve now come to question is does this now does my professional title define me? Does being a Licensed Clincial Social Worker define me?

For many years I’ve used the above narrative to describe me. However, from this day forward after learning to trust the process of letting go, displaying patience and forgiving I’m editing that narrative. I had to start from scratch in doing so I had to decipher my complete self. By asking; where do I start? Why is this so damn hard? I knew that I was a wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend/associate to some, yet I still couldn’t figure out where I fit in those relationships exactly. Sounds stupid right? For too long I’ve skated on the fence of most of my relationships, but I’ve learned that it’s okay to be on my own side. By this I discovered Self-Love and that taking care of myself first was essential. I mean this goes back to the importance of using the life saving mechanisms for yourself before you try to save someone else. I had become accustomed to one sided relationships, dependent on acceptance, and a devoted member of the HIGH EXPECTATIONS CLUB, believing that others will take care of me. This has not been the case. So, in turn I had to release all resentment, anger, and judgements that I had felt hurt or wronged me. Took sometime though 2013-2019. I mean come on I needed to work on 37 years of  learned behavior. Give SISTA a break! 

Well, here she is Tiffany Orozco. I’ve learned that I have been showing up in all the wrong ways  to my relationships and most importantly to myself. I mean Showing Up and Showing Out! My projections onto others seemed selfish and I see clearly how I’ve allowed myself to become inflicted with so much turmoil, grief and disappointment. I am now walking in my truth, vulnerable without fear of how others will perceive or receive me. This is me unapologetically stepping up, lowering walls, and away with expectations. I owe it to myself to take care and love me unconditionally.